Friday, May 2 - Monday, May 5
S.R. Crown Hall
3360 South State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616
Come together to reimagine what community means on campus.
We're inviting 10 IIT College of Architecture Students to join visitors from across the Americas, including:
Yale School of Architecture
Universidad Torcuato di Tella
Columbia GSAPP
UNAM School of Architecture
University of Manitoba
Fay Jones School of Architecture
TEC de Monterrey
IIT College of Architecture Professor Susan Conger-Austin will be leading a three-day collaborative Masterclass with the MCHAP community to investigate and reimagine how Illinois Tech's existing boundaries can be transformed to provide collective spaces that serve both the school and its neighbors.
The inaugural workshop will include five teams to explore five sites on campus, headed by one MCHAP Finalist, one IIT CoA professor, and six students.

MCHAP Cycle 1 review with Joshua Price-Ramus of REX, Deborach Jacobs of Global Libraries Initiative, and Sarah Whiting of the MCHAP Jury (top left), MCHAP Cycle 3 review with Sandra Barclay and Jean-Pierre Crousse and their client Ana Maris from Peru with B.Arch student Marcus Malesh (bottom left), MCHAP Cycle 4 review with Edgar Mazo and Érica Martínez of CONNATURAL with grad student Aska Janakbhai Desai (right).