
Engawa House
Santiago Valdivieso - Stefano Rolla
Zapallar, Chile
March 2019
Santiago Valdivieso, Stefano Rolla
Alejandro Reyes
Pablo Casals - Cristobal Palma
The idea of the project is to generate a house that allows to work both as a refuge and as the opposite; a panorama. Thus, rather than generating a static relationship with the territory, it creates a medium for change. For this, an intermediate condition is designed between exterior and interior, between a natural and an intimate personal landscape. An intermediate gallery like a traditional Engawa of variable section and different densities of raulí wood creates a spatiality capable of reacting to various uses and impulses, both internal and external.
The gallery contains a regular volume of galss ans black steel, of only one level that advances as it rises from the sloping natural topography. As the volume rises, its form of anchorage to the ground changes; Once fully supported, it begins to gain height on regular pilotis that finally end in a quadruple diamond support. This distancing also changes the relationship from a close environment to a distant one, from a close relationship with the garden to one of an environment between seas, a situation previously impossible to see.
The house is located on a rocky and stormy cliff between two small bays facing the Pacific Ocean. This situation between seas to the east and west can be felt on the ground, but not seen.
The higher you are from the ground, the more public your program will be, until a public upstairs and a private downstairs are generated. Below, a series of scales, platforms, concrete walls and river stones build the exteriors and gardens of the house, these follow the conditions of the topography, unlike the main volume. Above, in a completely panoramic situation with three sea fronts, there is an unprotected viewpoint against the windy weather.