2016 MCHAP.emerge

Memorial 27F
Ricardo Atanacio, Agustin Soza
Concepcion, Chile
March 2015
Ricardo José Atanacio Balbontin Agustín Soza Abadie
Nieves Balbontin Gubbins, Ricardo Atanacio Balbontin, Agustín Soza Abadie (Landscape) Interdesign (Ilumination) René Lagos Engineers (Engineering) Fernando Feuereisen (Artist)
Serviu Bio Bio
Marcos Mendizabal Sanguinett
The relationship established between the base and building it receives is crucial structural, spatial and material terms. But also it establishes patterns of significance of the work, its program and its spatial value. We considered that the monolith is the initial part of the whole initiation of man on the landscape, on a recurring basis, again and again we are ordering the surface we inhabit and that is programmed according to the uses and densities that is gaining. The stereotomic expressiveness, which represents the conviction of space to deliver a certain individual qualification by temperature, humidity, light and surface roughness. Qualified by a system of building which defines a thickness of walls, a base and a geometry that allows the height, space and determining roughness in the inner gap. The project description is verified on the ground that resolves in two areas, first by the opening and narrowing of the spaces between the towers where the distant prospects are permanently broken and vertical perspectives that produce prioritized and meetings distancing the tops of the towers. This produces a closed path own space introspection.
The project responds to 27F Memorial competition called in 2010 to lift the edge of the Bio Bio River in Conception a commemorative work in memory of the victims of the earthquake - tsunami of February 27, 2010. The place defined for the project is the bank of one of the most important rivers of the country, an extensive landscape devoid of proper planning and living areas where pavement, vacant lots, road connections and informal housing camps. However this area is the area with the greatest public spaces of the city. The specific site is located between two bridges, in a strip of 60 meters wide and 500 long and which also projects the future Pencopolitano Theatre. Definitely the projection of this area is growth and colonization of a contemporary and consistent with the requirements of an industrial city and commercially active urban edge. Where the density is progressively increasing and is now a territory in a limited processing time will be a consolidated industry for decades.
The park is currently used by the nieghborhood and other people who walk along the river bank, next to the highway. In 2015 the Regional Theatre construction works begun right next to the memorial site. Both projects, the theater and the park will determinate de future use of the area. The memorial was thought to be the first of a series of projects meant to renovate a controversial edge of the city. This area is framed by the river, and crossed by the rail tracks and a highway, with all the social segregation issues related to it. The insertion of cultural programes, such as the memorial, the park and the theater aim to extend the center of the city to the river bank. Therefore the memorial stands as a milestone of this transformation process.